Star Trek II
The Wrath of Khan
Again only a movie for today folks. You'll just have to get some take out. I heard the sad news this week that Leonard Nimoy passed away so I decided to honor him by reviewing my favorite representation of his work.
To start I'm want to talk about that green blooded Vulcan. Obviously his most famous work is Spock from Star Trek, and why not, it is only logical. He has played the pointy eared icon in TV shows, video games, 2 movie series and even a cartoon. I grew up watching as much Star Trek as Star Wars, and he is truly a highlight. I always enjoyed Spock over Kirk, but then again I always thought Picard was better too. In the Star Trek movie series I was delighted to watch Spock taking more and more screen time.
He is also known for being Mission Impossible's original master of disguise, Paris. This was before Tom Cruise came in and ruined that legacy, but hey he didn't have to worry about Shatner stealing all the scenes. He has contributed to movies as actor, producer and director from the 50's through his final film in 2013, Star Trek: Into Darkness. Thanks for everything.
Our Movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Stars obviously Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, DeForest Kelley, Walter Koenig, George Takei Nichelle Nicols and James Doohan and as the infamous Khan, Ricardo Mantolban. Our movie starts off with Kirstie Alley killing everyone. Ah, the Kobayashi Maru. Fortunately this does not hold and the movie continues. The newly promoted Admiral Kirk is reviewing Starfleet Academy students to see if they are ready, if they are not they get fitted with red shirts.
Stars obviously Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, DeForest Kelley, Walter Koenig, George Takei Nichelle Nicols and James Doohan and as the infamous Khan, Ricardo Mantolban. Our movie starts off with Kirstie Alley killing everyone. Ah, the Kobayashi Maru. Fortunately this does not hold and the movie continues. The newly promoted Admiral Kirk is reviewing Starfleet Academy students to see if they are ready, if they are not they get fitted with red shirts.
Unbeknownst to the main crew Commander Chekov, now of the USS Reliant, and Captain Terrell have stumbled across a long forgotten problem. The Botany Bay and it's genetically engineered leader Khan Singh. Khan, whose failed attempt to take over the Enterprise had him banished on Ceti Alpha V by none other than James T. Kirk. Since the neighboring planet Ceti Alpha VI blew up, it turned the planet into a desolate waste killing most of Khan's crew, including his girlfriend, and he is pretty grumpy about it. Apparently his rage and anger causes an odd hallucination as he tells Chekov he recognizes him even though they had never actually met before. Khan uses his new hostages to take over the Reliant and looks to acquire the mysterious Genesis project housed at the space station Regula 1 and designed by Dr. Carol Marcus.
When Khan's intentions are realized there are apparently no other starships either near Earth or close enough to the Regula station. Starfleet Command (which is oddly also on Earth) decides the best thing to do is to send the Enterprise to handle the situation with a skeleton crew of unqualified kids. Kirk and crew take the Starfleet Academy field trip to Regula 1.
OK I'll admit the lead up is a little hokey, but the dialog was very well written and simply fun. Kirk and the Enterprise are caught by surprise by Khan and the Reliant and after a sound thumping they retreat to the Regula Station. There Khan traps and maroons Kirk, McCoy, Saavik and the Marcus family to the same destiny Kirk abandoned him to. "KHAN!!" Naturally since Admiral Kirk does not believe in a no win scenario, with Spock's help, he found a way out. Upon return the Enterprise they square off against the Reliant in an epic battle with a surprise ending. Enjoy!
Best Lines:
Kirk: KHAN! (I know I already said this but it's still the best ;) )
Spock: I have been, and always shall be, your friend. Live long and prosper.
Spock: The Kobayashi Maru scenario frequently wreaks havoc on students and
equipment. As I recall you took the test three times yourself. Your
final solution was, shall we say, unique?
Kirk: It had the virtue of never having been tried.
Saavik: He's not what I expected sir
Spock: What surprises you, Lieutenant?
Saavik: He so... human.
Spock: Nobody's perfect.
Kirk: Khan, How do we know you will keep your word?
Khan: Oh, I've given you no word to keep, Admiral. In my judgment simply have no alternative.
Kirk: Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human.
Thank you Leonard Nimoy for one of my favorite parts of childhood.
Eat, drink and Live Long and Prosper...