Cosmopolitan and the City
OK so we're making some drinks today! I like things pretty straight forward on this. I like my Scotch neat and my Martinis dry. I have been told that I make good Cosmopolitans.
So it's Happy Hour!
First of all do not drink these, they are bad for you...
Today's Drinks: Cosmopolitan
What you need:
1/2 a lime, yes the real thing. If it comes in a glass container send it back.
Triple Sec or Grand Marnier if you want to get fancy
Cranberry Juice, in this case I suggest something from concentrate and a bottle. Good luck squeezing them if you like.
Basic Bar-tending Equipment shaker with a lid and jigger (looks like 2 little cups stuck together)
Ok, some prep work. Put your martini glasses in the freezer. Take your shaker and fill it with ice. Squeeze the juice from the 1/2 line in. Add two larger jiggers of vodka in and one small jigger of triple sec. (I know that these are supposed to hold a specific amount of liquid but damned if I know how much). Finally just a splash of the cranberry juice.
Pop your lid on and shake away! I recommend against being too flashy, you know flipping the bottles in the air or pouring it out two feet above the glass, but hey, it's your kitchen. Strain your Cosmo into your chilled glass and you can toss a lime ring on the glass for a nice touch. Enjoy!
And since no one should drink alone...
The Dry Martini
What you need:
Dry Vermouth
A small thimble
Spanish Olives, BIG ones!
I have to say, you know I love movies, and some pretty weird ones to boot, but this is as close as I get to Bond. Honestly I just don't get them. Lot's of senseless explosions a few repetitive stunts, dry banter, more explosions... "Shaken not stirred" Now THAT I get! Here we go.
You should still have an extra glass in the freezer, right? Good. So fill your shaker back up with ice and pour in your vodka. Um... yeah I don't really measure this part, know your limits. Cover and set it aside. Grab your chilled glass and thimble.
OK, you really don't need a thimble. A dry martini is one with as little vermouth as possible. I take this both personally and seriously. So I will pour a drop of vermouth into the glass and swirl it around so that you have coated the inside of the glass and dump the rest out! Yup that dry.
So cover up, shake, and strain into your glass. If done properly your should see a nice layer of ice form on the top. Drop in your olives, Cheers!
Our Movie:
Yeah I'm sure you're all guessing I was queuing up a movie for all this. Yeah, so here is my spin on Sex and the City. Ahem!
Ain't never seen it, Ain't gonna see it, if by some unfortunate twist of fate I do see it, I'll need to repeat step one first.
Enjoy and remember, Eat, Drink and go See a Movie