Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Star Wars : Episode I

The Bombad Burger

Here it is folks, at long last!  My favorite combination of food, Star Wars and bad puns! Trust me the puns add to the flavor and experience.  Now I have to admit I know more about Star Wars than I do about cooking but I think I will do both justice.  That being said I will take full advantage of this opportunity to point out some the absolutely dumb crap Lucas has tried to pull off over the decades.  So let me get this off of my chest first...  


Ah, I feel better already.

Our Dinner: The Bombad Burger
A good ol' cheeseburger is simply one of the greatest creations of mankind.  I kind of mashed this one together over the years but I have 2 recommendations on this.  1, fatty meat, it's a cheese burger, you want healthy eat tofu.  Lean beef won't help you.  The fat helps to keep the burger together while it cooks and keeps it juicy.  2, charcoals.  Yes I know that gas is easier and faster but the charcoal gives some great flavor to the mix the propane simply can't.  It is also unhealthy :)

What you need:
1 lbs ground beef no more than 80% lean
2 tbls worcestershire sauce
Pepper to taste
A burger patty press
Gorgonzola Cheese
1 large onion, red or vidalia
1 tbls butter
salt to taste
3 tbls brown sugar
Spicy steak sauce
Nice hamburger buns
Get Prepped:

Light your coals.  This can take a while to get them hot, so start them first so they are ready to cook when you are.
In a large bowl put in the beef mix the pepper and worcestershire sauce.  Keep the salt to a low there is enough in the sauce.  Simply combine, no tools are needed we evolved with hands and fingers for a reason and it's fun.  Now make 8 balls of these and press each of them into the press to make 8 patties.  Press your thumb into half of them slightly and make a little dimple.  Now put a mound of cheese into the ones that you just pressed your thumb into.  Put the other patties on top.  You want to seal the sides of these so that the cheese does not leak out later, you can do this with your hand or put them back into the press, but gently, they're, stuffed cheeseburgers.  Then again make some small dimples in the middle.    Cover and put them in the fridge.

Cut up the onions into slices and sprinkle with some salt.

Slice tomatoes and lettuce
Get Cookin:
We're going to start with the onions.  Over medium heat add the butter and the onions.  Let them go for a few minutes while stirring until they start to get soft.  Then toss in the sugar until it melts down.  Then just keep them warm.

Your coals should now be ready and you can now add your burgers.  Put them on the grill right over the coals.  STEP AWAY!  Don't over manage your burgers.  They only get flipped once and do NOT press them with your spatula.  You should not press them in general because you'll squeeze out all of the juices but remember these ones have cheese inside.  You do want to keep an eye out for flare ups.  I recommend keeping a spray bottle with water to shoot down any raging flames.  Please do not take targeting lessons from the Stormtroopers can't hit jack!  Cook em the way you like em but I suggest medium rare.  While they are cooking you can toss your buns on the grill to toast them.

Now we can put it all together.  From the bottom up.  Bottom bun, mayo, burger, steak sauce, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, top bun.  Enjoy!

Our Movie:
Star Wars Episode I
 The Phantom Menace

And so it began.  My first obvious point of ridiculousness is that it took over 20 years to come up with the beginning of the story.  I will also be the first to admit that there are some major issues with the prequels so lets clear the air.  

BAD IDEAS:  Jar Jar Binks, the scientific explanation of what makes the Force, midichlorians?!?  The fact the that Yoda puppet looks less real than the one used in Empire Strikes Back 20 years beforehand.  And a little too much green screen.  I always thought that real sets made the originals great.
Good ideas: Darth Maul and a double-bladed light sabre.  Seeing the Jedi order in all its former glory.

<Spoiler Warning> I am going to go through all 6 movies here so there is little point in not giving away endings.  If you don't want a spoiler then go see them.  If you have not seen them... well, then you're a part of the problem. :)

We begin on the peaceful planet of Naboo, a beautiful planet run by a teenaged, elected queen with a really odd sense of fashion. Queen Amidala is played by Natalie Portman.  She has some problems with the Galactic Trade Federation who has decided to blockade and invade their planet.  The Galactic Republic has sent 2 Jedi as ambassadors to negotiate a peace, Qui-Gon Jinn by Liam Neeson and his padawan a young and beardless Obi-Wan Kenobi by Ewan McGregor.

We soon learn that Nute Gunray, the head of the Trade Federation, is not so in charge as he would like to galaxy to believe.  An ominous, hooded figure is the one giving the orders and commands not only the invasion of Naboo but the death of the Jedi.  Our savvy Knights escape and land in the forests of Naboo, where things get worse. 

We see here that Jedi are not perfect, there is always room to learn and improve.  In the future if you come across a rambling Gungan who does not enough common sense to run away from the battalion of massive tanks just put the audience out of their misery and stab him with your light sabre.  Qui-gon, unfortunately permits the atrocity that is Jar Jar Binks to survive.  <sigh>  With the assistance of the rest of the Gungans, who seem to hate Jar Jar as much as the rest of the galaxy, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan find their way to the capital and rescue the queen.

As our friends attempt to breakthrough the Trade Federations blockade we do get to meet someone we were looking forward to see.  The galaxy's best little mechanic, R2-D2 himself, saves the day while the rest of his little compatriots get recycled and allows the Queen and the Jedi to escape Naboo.  But where to go next?  Their ship suffered considerable damage during the escape and they cannot make it all the way back to Coruscant.  Qui-Gon finds a suitable little place that is, hopefully, far enough out of the way that no one can find them... Tatooine.

On the desert planet of moisture farmers and twin suns we are introduced to a few more familiar faces.  At the mechanics store in the spaceport we meet a young pilot and slave, Anakin Skywalker.  We also see the other half out the robotic duo C-3PO, whose... parts are showing.  In a quick pan back to Coruscnt we also come across two of galaxy's biggest bad asses, the Sith Lords Darth Maul and his Master Darth Sideous.  

As we return to Tatooine Qui-Gon finds that they are stuck with a busted ship, no parts and no money to return to galactic civilization.  The pint-sized pilot offers to fly for them in a profitable Pod Race  and use the winnings to help them get home.  I have to say the pod race was pretty cool.  Total CG but it looks great and a little bit of slap stick goes a long way.  So three guesses who wins.  

Now they have the parts they need and "another pathetic life form".  Qui-Gon arranged for Anakin's freedom as part of his bet Watto and will return with them, but they are now hunted.  As they approach the Queens ship we get the first clash of the Light and Dark sides of the Force.  Darth Maul tracks them down and quickly battles Master Qui-Gon in the sands outside the city.  Again they quickly escape and can now bring Queen Amidala to the Galactic Republic's capital Coruscant.

The capital planet is one massive city.  The center of the known galaxy houses both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Temple.  The Queen, with the assistance of Naboo's Senator Palpatine, attempts to maneuver to Senate to assist in the defense of their home, watch for the cameo of ET in the Senate :).  At the behest of Amidala the Chancellor of the Republic is removed and Palpatine is nominated to replace him.  Meanwhile the Jedi Council interviews young Skywalker to determine if he is suitable to be trained.  Among the Jedi Council is of course Master Yoda himself as well as Master Mace Windu.  How awesome is it that Samuel L. Jackson is a Jedi Master!!  Anyway, Queen Amidala decides that she must defend her people and returns to Naboo.

After recruiting the Gungans and their army they set to engage the battle droids in a ground assault to literate the city.  The Queen, Jedi with a small group of guards and Anakin sneak into the Royal Palace to free the Naboo fighter pilots and seize the Trade Feration's Leader Gunray.  While the fighters launch and the Gungans battle the driod army we get to enjoy the best part of the movie.  A wonderful battle of Jedi and Sith as Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi battle the mysterous Darth Maul.  This is the kind of thing Star Wars was meant to be.

I'm not going to give all of the details but basically the good guys win... mostly.  Obi-Wan defeats Maul in fantastic style but not before Maul cuts down Qui-Gon.  After the battle is over it is announced that Senator Palpatine was, in fact, elected Chancelor Palpatine.  It is also noted at Qui-Gon's funeral that there are always two among the Sith, a master and an apprentice, which was Maul?

Best Lines:

Qui-Gon: The ability to speak does not make you intelegent.  Now get out of here.

C-3PO: I beg your pardon, but what do you mean, "naked'?
R2D2 beeps a bit
C-3PO:  My parts are showing?!

Maul: At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.  At last we will have revenge.

Qui-Gon: Do you hear that?  That is the sound of a thousand terrible things headed this way.
Obi-Wan: If they find us, they crush us, grind us into tiny peices and blast us into oblivion.

Well look forward to 5 more of these and remember Eat, Drink, and May the Force be with you.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Use the Force

Use the Force


Ok, everyone who knows me well knows that this was inevitable.  If not, well, I find your lack of faith disturbing.  Unfortunately, I have hit the culinary equivalent of writers block.  I have 6, and yes soon to be 7, of these to pick food for and I have hit a ray shield on the original itself.  I am reaching out to my fellow Jedi and Sith for ideas.  

What would you like to see me match up with the one and only 
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

You will make a good suggestion...
Something yummy
If you suggest Blue Milk I will force choke you where the twin suns of Tatooine don't shine.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Cosmopolitan and the City

Cosmopolitan and the City

OK so we're making some drinks today!  I like things pretty straight forward on this.  I like my Scotch neat and my Martinis dry.  I have been told that I make good Cosmopolitans.  
So it's Happy Hour!

First of all do not drink these, they are bad for you...

Today's Drinks: Cosmopolitan

What you need:
1/2 a lime, yes the real thing. If it comes in a glass container send it back.
Triple Sec or Grand Marnier if you want to get fancy
Cranberry Juice, in this case I suggest something from concentrate and a bottle.  Good luck squeezing them if you like.
Basic Bar-tending Equipment shaker with a lid and jigger (looks like 2 little cups stuck together)

Ok, some prep work.  Put your martini glasses in the freezer.  Take your shaker and fill it with ice.  Squeeze the juice from the 1/2 line in.  Add two larger jiggers of vodka in and one small jigger of triple sec. (I know that these are supposed to hold a specific amount of liquid but damned if I know how much). Finally just a splash of the cranberry juice.  

Pop your lid on and shake away!  I recommend against being too flashy, you know flipping the bottles in the air or pouring it out two feet above the glass, but hey, it's your kitchen.  Strain your Cosmo into your chilled glass and you can toss a lime ring on the glass for a nice touch.  Enjoy!

And since no one should drink alone...

The Dry Martini

What you need:
Dry Vermouth
A small thimble
Spanish Olives, BIG ones!

I have to say, you know I love movies, and some pretty weird ones to boot,  but this is as close as I get to Bond.  Honestly I just don't get them.  Lot's of senseless explosions a few repetitive stunts, dry banter, more explosions...  "Shaken not stirred"  Now THAT I get!  Here we go.

You should still have an extra glass in the freezer, right?  Good.  So fill your shaker back up with ice and pour in your vodka.  Um... yeah I don't really measure this part, know your limits.  Cover and set it aside.  Grab your chilled glass and thimble.  

OK, you really don't need a thimble.  A dry martini is one with as little vermouth as possible.  I take this both personally and seriously.  So I will pour a drop of vermouth into the glass and swirl it around so that you have coated the inside of the glass and dump the rest out!  Yup that dry.  

So cover up, shake, and strain into your glass.  If done properly your should see a nice layer of ice form on the top.  Drop in your olives, Cheers!

Our Movie:
Yeah I'm sure you're all guessing I was queuing up a movie for all this.  Yeah, so here is my spin on Sex and the City.  Ahem!

Ain't never seen it, Ain't gonna see it, if by some unfortunate twist of fate I do see it, I'll need to repeat step one first.

Enjoy and remember, Eat, Drink and go See a Movie

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Analyze This Pot of Linguini in White Clam Sauce

Analyze This Pot of Linguini in White Clam Sauce

OK, I've been saying this since I was a kid but you have no idea how long it took to figure out how to actually spell it.

Our Dinner: Linguini in White Clam Sauce
This is one of my absolute favorite things to eat! I'll order this whenever I go to a new Italian restaurant to try it outIt's fairly easy and can be made a few different ways based on what you can get your hands on.  I'm gonna share my favorite version with a shout out to my son who loves clap the shells!

What you need:
Clams about 1 dozen and I suggest Mahogany.  They're a little smaller with a lot of flavor.
1 can of baby whole clams
1 can of minced clams
Garlic about 6 cloves
1 lemon. 
1 tsp of red pepper flakes
4 tbls of butter separated in 2
2 tbls of olive oil
1/2 tbls of corn starch
1 tbls water
1/2 cup Pinot Grigio white whine
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 box of linguini 

Get prepped:

Clean the clams. Run them in cold water and scrub. Remove all dirt and check for cracks.  Don't use any that are broken. 
Slice garlic. Try to slice as thin as possible, if you get sick of this then chop the rest.
Zest your lemon and then save the juice remove all the pits.
Combine cornstarch and water. Stir together until the dissolved.
Open both cans of clams and pour juice into a bowl.

Get cookin:

In a large pot boil water with a little bit of salt in it.

Get a large frying pan with a cover. 

Put the pan over medium heat and drop in the oil and 2 tbls of butter with the garlic with some salt.  And saute, this means to cook quickly while moving it around and not burning it. About 2-3 minutes add the wine.  With a wooden spoon scrape the pan to deglaze and get some extra yuminess.  

Now add lemon juice, zest, red pepper flakes, pepper, clam juice and the fresh clams.  Put on your lid and let it cook for about 10 minutes for the clams to open.  This is a good time to drop your linguini in the water and cook as per instructions.  I prefer al dente.

OK take off the lid and check the clams, they should be open, pull them out. Now put it to high and add the other clams, the parsley, the remaining butter and the corn starch/water mixture. Let it boil for about 2-3 minutes.  

Pour out the pasta in a good large bowl and pour the sauce on top, sprinkle on some parsley, then gently place the shelled clams in an intricate pattern so that it resembles a lovely piece of renaissance artwork  to entertain your guests.  If you are eating alone just throw them on and dig in.

Our Movie: Analyze This

This is such a fun movie.  I am an huge fan of the Godfather movies, OK not the third one, and this is  a great display of Robert De Niro spoofing himself as Paul Vitti,co-starring Billy Crystal as psychiatrist Dr.Ben Sobel and brought to you by the late great Harold Ramis.

So, as you can imagine, the head of a New York City crime family has some issues. Paul Vitti  has to go to a meeting of all the mafia bosses and needs a shrink and seeks out Dr. Sobel.  He needs to look like a proper well adjusted gangster so the cosa nostra will see what a good boy he is.  Ben has his own issues, he's off to marry Lisa Kudrow.  Paul pushes his way through to engage Dr. Sobel as his shrink.
A nod goes to Joe Viterelli as Jelly, Paul's lackey.  He's big, dumb, and funny as hell.  He's generally sent to grab the good doctor when Paul has a breakdown, which is quite regularly.  There are a few memorable scenes.  There's a great shoot out in a junkyard where Paul has a breakthrough and Ben finds his inner mobster and takes out his aggression on an innocent refrigerator.  The true Hollywood wedding when the bride and groom walk back up the isle together the as the beautiful new couple. Finally Ben has his big moment at the gathering of goodfellas and the best monologue.

Best Lines:

Paul: You're turning me down?
Ben: When I got into family therapy, this was not the family I had in mind!

Ben: You know what I do when I'm angry?  I hit a pillow, just hit the pillow and see how you feel.
Paul: (Shoots the pillow) There's your fuckin pillow.
Ben: Feel better?
Paul: (shrugs) Yeah I do.

Ben: You know normally a patient wouldn't have a vat of scotch during a session.

Paul: I wasn't really gonna whack you.
Ben: Paul...
Paul: Alright, maybe I was gonna whack you... but, I was real conflicted about it.

Ben: My name is Ben Sobel...lioni, Ben Sobelliono.  I'm also known as Benny the Groin, Sammy the Schnoz, Elmer the Fudd, Tubby the Tuba and once as Ms. Phyllis Levin. But that was at a party.  It was years ago I smoked a Titubet and I had a Guacalude and suddenly I'm in fishnets and singing show tunes.

Dr. Sobel: Of all the places  we could have gone, why this place?
Paul: White clam sauce, the best.    ;)

And there you go.  Enjoy, and remember, Eat, Drink and Go see a Movie!

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Star Trek II
The Wrath of Khan

Again only a movie for today folks.  You'll just have to get some take out.  I heard the sad news this week that Leonard Nimoy passed away so I decided to honor him by reviewing my favorite representation of his work.

To start I'm want to talk about that green blooded Vulcan.  Obviously his most famous work is Spock from Star Trek, and why not, it is only logical.  He has played the pointy eared icon in TV shows, video games, 2 movie series and even a cartoon.  I grew up watching as much Star Trek as Star Wars, and he is truly a highlight.  I always enjoyed Spock over Kirk, but then again I always thought Picard was better too.  In the Star Trek movie series I was delighted to watch Spock taking more and more screen time.

He is also known for being Mission Impossible's original master of disguise, Paris. This was before Tom Cruise came in and ruined that legacy, but hey he didn't have to worry about Shatner stealing all the scenes.  He has contributed to movies as actor, producer and director from the 50's through his final film in 2013, Star Trek: Into Darkness.  Thanks for everything.

Our Movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Stars obviously Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, DeForest Kelley, Walter Koenig, George Takei Nichelle Nicols and James Doohan and as the infamous Khan, Ricardo Mantolban.  Our movie starts off with Kirstie Alley killing everyone.  Ah, the Kobayashi Maru.  Fortunately this does not hold and the movie continues.  The newly promoted Admiral Kirk is reviewing Starfleet Academy students to see if they are ready, if they are not they get fitted with red shirts.

Unbeknownst to the main crew Commander Chekov, now of the USS Reliant, and Captain Terrell have stumbled across a long forgotten problem. The Botany Bay and it's genetically engineered leader Khan Singh.  Khan, whose failed attempt to take over the Enterprise had him banished on Ceti Alpha V by none other than James T. Kirk.  Since the neighboring planet Ceti Alpha VI blew up, it turned the planet into a desolate waste killing most of Khan's crew, including his girlfriend, and he is pretty grumpy about it.  Apparently his rage and anger causes an odd hallucination as he tells Chekov he recognizes him even though they had never actually met before.  Khan uses his new hostages to take over the Reliant and looks to acquire the mysterious Genesis project housed at the space station Regula 1 and designed by Dr. Carol Marcus.

When Khan's intentions are realized there are apparently no other starships either near Earth or close enough to the Regula station.  Starfleet Command (which is oddly also on Earth) decides the best thing to do is to send the Enterprise to handle the situation with a skeleton crew of unqualified kids.  Kirk and crew take the Starfleet Academy field trip to Regula 1.

OK I'll admit the lead up is a little hokey, but the dialog was very well written and simply fun.  Kirk and the Enterprise are caught by surprise by Khan and the Reliant and after a sound thumping they retreat to the Regula Station.  There Khan traps and maroons Kirk, McCoy, Saavik and the Marcus family to the same destiny Kirk abandoned him to.  "KHAN!!"  Naturally since Admiral Kirk does not believe in a no win scenario, with Spock's help, he found a way out.  Upon return the Enterprise they square off against the Reliant in an epic battle with a surprise ending.  Enjoy!

Best Lines:

Kirk: KHAN! (I know I already said this but it's still the best ;) )

Spock: I have been, and always shall be, your friend.  Live long and prosper.

Spock: The Kobayashi Maru scenario frequently wreaks havoc on students and equipment. As I recall you took the test three times yourself. Your final solution was, shall we say, unique? 
Kirk: It had the virtue of never having been tried. 

Saavik: He's not what I expected sir
Spock: What surprises you, Lieutenant?
Saavik: He so... human.
Spock: Nobody's perfect.

Kirk: Khan, How do we know you will keep your word?
Khan: Oh, I've given you no word to keep, Admiral.  In my judgment simply have no alternative.

Kirk: Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human. 

Thank you Leonard Nimoy for one of my favorite parts of childhood.
Eat, drink and Live Long and Prosper...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

That's Fronkensteen

That's Fronkensteen

Just a movie for today, Mel Brooks' 1974 classic 
Young Frankenstein

This my friends is a true classic. Mel Brooks, who is known for his great parodies, took an original and ran with it. Starring Gene Wilder, Teri Garr, Marty Feldman and Peter Boyle as the monster.  This film has spawned many a future gag from the roving mole of Prince John in Robin Hood: Men in Tights, to Peter Boyle's Halloween costume in Everybody Love's Raymond, and yes even to one of the great Rock and Roll songs of all time.  It is said that while seeking inspiration Aerosmith went to see the movie and were so wrapped in laughter by Eyegor's joke that they came up with the song "Walk This Way".  How can you go wrong.

We begin with the introduction of our resident mad scientist Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, sorry Fronkensteen, giving a lecture on brain function.  He makes it quite clear that dead is dead.  We also learn that it was his grandfather Baron Victor Von Frankenstein who spent his evenings digging up corpses and playing in the lighting storms.  The good doctor is presented with his grandfather's will and compelled to travel to old family stomping grounds in the fabled Transylvania.

Here we meet this assistants Eyegor and Inga.  Together they arrive at the castle to and quickly discover the secret library of Frederick's grandfather with the secrets that show his experiments could actually work.  Grab the shovels!  After some digging and a little trouble with Abby they begin.  The creature is secure, the lighting flashes and the switches are thrown... even, the third switch and at the moment of truth, nothing.

OK so if you've actually seen Frankenstein it works.  Sorry for the spoiler there.  By the way if you have seen the original you already know that nothing good came after that.  Terror, screaming, villagers with pitchforks and a lovely dance number.

So sit back and enjoy some of Mel's work!

Best Lines

Eyegor: Dr. Frankenstein?
Dr. Frankenstein: "Fronkensteen"
Eyegor: You're putting me on.
Dr. Frankenstein: No, it's pronounced "Fronkensteen".
Eyegor: Do you also say "Froaderick"?
Dr. Frankenstein: No, "Frederick".
Eyegor: Well, why isn't it "Froaderick Fronkensteen"?
Dr. Frankenstien: It isn't, it's "Frederick Fronkensteen".
Eyegor: I see.
Dr. Frankenstein: You must be Igor.
Eyegor: No, it's pronounced "Eyegor"
Dr. Frankenstein: But they told me it was Igor.
Eyegor: Well, they were wrong then, weren't they?

Dr. Frankenstein: If your blue and you don't know where to go to, why don't you go where fashion sits.

Inspector Kemp: Und now ve vill go my house und have a little sponge cake und a little vine (his wooden hand snaps off) und shit!

Oh yeah I almost forgot...  BLUCHER!!

So I definitely recommend this one. Enjoy and remember Eat, Drink and watch a Movie.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tombstone Chili

Tombstone Chili

Our Diner: A Big ol Pot o Chili!

I am a big fan of chili. There are so many types you can try.  Beef, turkey, with beans, how many, what kind, no beans at all... Though I know that the purist will insist that competition style is the only way to go I say sod it all and cook what you like.  Here's what I like.  I like a hearty chili with meat, beans and chunks of veggies.  I also like spicy, not blistering your mouth so that you can't taste anything (I save that for buffalo wings) but something with a good kick. 
What you need: 
Meat! About 1 1/2 lbs of ground beef and another lbs of chuck not ground
3 Jalepanos finely chopped
2 habaneros seeded and finely chopped
A pair of latex gloves and no I'm not kidding
2 tbs of vegetable oil
2 32 oz cans of tomato sauce, salt free if possible
1 15oz can of pinto beans drained
1 15oz can of black beans drained
1 15oz can of red kidney beans drained
1 large onion chopped
2 bell peppers chopped
4 cloves of garlic chopped
1 cup of beef stock, again with as little salt as possible
1/2 cup of beer try to avoid ales but strangely Guinness is really nice for this.
1/4 cup of chili powder
1 tbs of Worcestershire sauce
1 tbs oregano
2 tsp of cumin
2 tsp of pepper sauce
1 tsp of basil
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of pepper
1 tsp of cayenne
1 tsp of paprika
1 tsp of sugar
2 tsp of cinnamon
2 tbl of flour

Get Prepped:
Chop stuff.  Except the ground beef that would just be silly.  Take your chuck and chop it into about 1/2 inch cubes. Chop the garlic, onion and bell peppers and put them in a bowl.  Now get your gloves. The chilis we are using are strong! The oils in them will burn if they make contact with your skin and eyes, believe me this hurts!! Slice them in half to remove the seeds and the inner membrane. The more you leave inside the hotter this will be. Chop finely and place a bowl and keep it out of the way.  Drain the cans of beans.  Measure out your seasonings into one bowl.

Get cookin:
Get a large pot on medium high heat.  Mix the flour in with the chuck until coated.  When the pot heated up add the oil and add all of the meat to brown.  Let it sit for a bit and get brown before you start moving things around.  Stir a bit and let sit again. Check to see if there is a lot of fat at the bottom, this will depend on how lean the meat was, if there is a lot drain some out with a spoon.

Now add the veggies, onions, peppers, garlic and the chilis.  Let them sizzle for a minute or two.  Then add just about everything else except the beer. Stir well bring to a slight boil, because a fast boil will become very messy, set temp to low and cover.

Let it cook this way for at least one hour stirring every so often.  Do not be afraid to let it cook longer to let the flavors meld, I'll let it go most of the afternoon.  Now about an hour before you are ready to eat have a beer and share 1/2 a cup of it with your new friend.  Stir it in and let it simmer for an hour with the lid off.

Serving is up to you. Shredded cheese, sour cream, tortilla chips.  Remember this will be spicy and many of these lovely garish pieces will help cool it down.  If you like less heat take out the habaneros, I'm pretty sure they're behind it.  Enjoy!

Our Movie: Tombstone
OK I'm going to start by saying I am not a big fan of westerns. I caused some problems back home, got in trouble came out west to start a new life and end all arguments by shooting someone and to play poker. This one I love! It is surprisingly accurate, based on media sources from the time period.  Kurt Russel is an intense Wyatt Earp. It also stars Sam Elliot and Bill Paxton as Earp brothers Virgil and Morgan with villains Powers Booth as Curly Bill and Michael Biehn as Johnny Ringo. But with all of this, the show is absolutely stolen by Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday.

We start with our villains, the Cowboys. One of the US's first organized crime syndicates. They crash a wedding of a Mexican lawman who had the audacity to uphold the law against them. We learn here that Johnny Ringo is as intelligent as he is ruthless.

Next we meet our infamous dentist Dr. John Holiday. Due to a harsh case of Tuberculosis he has decided to move west to the dryer climates and enjoy some excitement before the harsh disease runs its course. We find him enjoying simple game of cards with whom I am sure is a close personal friend. He makes a lewd comment to his lady friend Kate and then proceeds to rob everyone. You always need to watch those retirees.

We move on to the local train station near Tombstone to see the Earp boys.  They have come to this frontier town to start a new life as business men.  Wyatt has had enough of crime fighting and would like a nice quiet life. Well that would make for a dull movie so Wyatt goes to the local saloon and beats the crap out of Billy Bob Thornton to get a job as a card dealer. 

There is always tension between Wyatt and the Cowboys.  So the arguments end with people shooting each other after playing cards, yes that's what happens.  This leads to the vendetta between the Earps and Doc against the Clantons and the Cowboys.  The scene at the OK Corral is everything you could expect but that is not the end of the story.  The Earps now find themselves being hunted down by the Coyboys. Wyatt then decides that to protect his friend and his family he has to go after the Cowboys, and hell's coming with him!

Best Lines:
Johnny Ringo: He was quoting the Bible, Revelations. " Behold the pale horse". The man who sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

Doc: Why Kate, you're not wearing a bustle.  How lewd.

Wyatt with his pistol pointed at Ike's forehead: Your die first, get it? You're friends might get me in a rush but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?
Billy Clanton: He's bluffin!
Ike: No, no... he ain't bluffin.
Doc: And you, music lover.  You're next. (pointing a gun at Billy)
Billy: It's the dunk piano player? You're so drunk you're probably seeing double.
Doc: I have two guns, (pulls out a second pistol) one for each of you.

Doc: I'm your Huckleberry.

Doc: It's true you are a good woman.  Then again, you may be the antichrist.

Wyatt: All right Clanton... you called down the thunder, well now you've got it! You see that? It says United States Marshal! Take a good look at him, Ike.  Cuz that's how you're gonna end up! The Coboys are finished, you understand? I see a red sash, I kill the man wearin it! So run you cur, Run! Tell all the curs the law's comin! You tell em I'm comin ... and hell's comin with me, you hear? HELL'S COMIN WITH ME!

Enjoy and remember Eat, Drink and watch a Movie!